Fraser Direct


Fraser Direct Accessibility Policy under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

Introduction to the Accessibility Policy

Fraser Direct is committed to providing our goods and services and maintaining our employment practices in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. To the best of our ability, we are committed to providing a barrier-free environment for our clients, customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, visitors, and other stakeholders who enter our premises, access our information, or use our services.

The intent of the Accessibility Policy (the “Policy”) is to ensure accessibility is maintained for persons with disabilities by identifying, removing and preventing barriers that might interfere with the ability to obtain the goods and services provided by Fraser Direct, in compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. The contents of the Policy include the Statement of Commitment to Accessibility, Training, Employment Practices (Recruitment and Hiring, Emergency Response, Accommodations, and Return to Work), Customer Service, Feedback, Public Spaces, Transportation, and Compliance.

View our Statement of Commitment to Accessibility here.

Requesting the Policy and Alternate Formats

Fraser Direct’s full Accessibility Policy and related documents are available upon request, and are available in alternate formats. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a copy of our Accessibility Policy and supporting documentation in a format of your preference. All reasonable efforts will be made to provide such information in such formats as requested. If contacting Fraser Direct at the email address provided here is not suitable for your needs, you may contact us using any of the following methods, or using alternative methods as preferred or required: verbally (phone, video, or in-person) or written (electronically or in print).

Requesting Accommodations

All employees, job applicants, customers, visitors, or any other individuals requiring accommodations when accessing Fraser Direct’s services or employment practices are encouraged to reach out at the earliest opportunity to discuss accommodation options. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request accommodations. All reasonable efforts will be made to provide such accommodations as requested. Examples of accommodations can include (but are not limited to) individualized on-the-job accommodation plans, communication accommodations, personal assistive devices, service animals, and support persons, etc.


Fraser Direct welcomes feedback regarding goods and services provided, and the Accessibility Policy. Feedback is encouraged as it may identify areas that require change and encourage continuous improvement. Employees and customers may provide feedback using any of the following methods, or using alternative methods as preferred or required: verbally (phone, video, or in-person) or written (electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in print).

If an individual wishes to be contacted about their feedback, they must provide their name and contact information and request such upon providing feedback. Concerns or complaints received will be addressed impartially and fairly in a timely manner (within 30 days of receiving the complaint).Fraser Direct will communicate respectfully with persons with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. Individuals with disabilities will be consulted about how they need to receive information. If an individual’s disability prevents them from being able to consume the information as provided, Fraser Direct is committed to taking all reasonable actions to find alternative formats and methods to meet their needs as soon as possible.


Fraser Direct submits all required Accessibility Compliance Reports and maintains a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. These documents, as well as the full Accessibility Policy, are reviewed annually.

View our Mutli-Year Accessibility Plan here.